Ashley Ryder Fists Nate Grimes โ€“ Part 1

Nate Grimes is being interrogated for a code word and even with all the military intimidation, he wonโ€™t give up the info. Whether or not he has what Ashley Ryder needs is something only Nate knows, but Ashley is going to try his best to get Nateโ€™s secret, even if he has to pull it out of his ass. Ashleyโ€™s tactics are less than conventional and he starts by restraining Nateโ€™s hands and ripping off his clothes. โ€˜You better think long and hard about that code word,โ€™ Ashley says, as he dips his gloved hands in a vat of grease and shoves his fists up Nateโ€™s gaping ass.

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