The lockdown has been suspended. But Axel Abysse and Yoshi Kawasaki can’t stop. Double fisting & prolapse play – they need them. Seven episodes later, Axel and Yoshi still need fists in their holes. Seven episodes later, the state of emergency is finally a thing of the past, but these two are insatiable. As people get used to being human again, Axel and Yoshi feel perfectly like fist pigs.
Are you ready for the big news? After so much fisting, Axel Abysse and Yoshi Kawasaki are totally destroyed. They can both feel their swollen rosebuds almost hanging through the slight remnants of their sphincters. The perfect time for Yoshi to move on with double fisting. That’s the news. Axel manages to insert both of his fists into Yoshi and give him an unforgettable double fisting celebration.