Trent Bloom is the lord of the deep holes. You won’t believe what he’s capable of taking! After double fisting he takes a football ball in the ass! Yes, you read right, he does the unthinkable. Such a huge thing in a human ass.. is it possible? Frankly, we’re not just impressed, we’re totally shocked!
First at all, don’t forget to watch the previous episode. If you remember, last time Axel Abysse fist fucked Trent double and elbow deep. After that session, the two gay pigs decided to continue the next day by testing the limits of Trent Bloom’s mega, MEGA hole. Axel took care to secure the world’s biggest dildo, designed for experienced fisters who are able to take 2 or more fists. An amazing toy, with brutal proportions.
You probably know what’s next. Trent sits down on the huge dildo and swallows it up to the base! Bloom rides the toy for a while, before the next dose of powerful double punch fisting. Axel punches Trent’s ass with two fists until his hole is gaping wider than ever. The cameraman Morgan Eiffel gives us the nice view of Trent’s huge rosebud while Axel explores Trent’s intestines.
Finally, our favorite moment comes. Axel Abysse lubes up a football ball and shoves it into Trent. He takes that huge thing with ease.. Shocking, the toy just slides and disappears inside that destroyed hole. It’s impressive how the guy shoots the ball out of his hole. We’ve never seen anything like this before. We watched it a few times because it was just amazing. We guess Trent is not human. Seriously. He is the god of fisting and must be worshipped as a deity by all fisters on the planet.
If you think this is the maximum of Trent’s abilities, just wait till you view the next part. After the huge ball, his hole is so stretched that even 2 fists are too small for Trent. Axel needs help. The operator must be involved in the action. Holding the camera with one hand, Morgan slides the other one in Trent’s already filled hole. Triple fisting is the expected end of this fist feast. Is Trent Bloom capable of taking 3 fists in the ass? Check it out yourself!